
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Results of the BCA Painting Competition 2009

Congratulations to Seri Hannah for attaining Bronze Award and Darrell Lim for attaining Merit Award in the BCA Painting Competition. Here are the highlights of the day at the presentation ceremony in City Square Mall...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Architecture Workshop - Design My Place @ TJC

Anbaa, Seri, Jesmond, Belinda and Tiffanie who are attending this workshop, please bring ...
1) Digital Camera
2) Sketchbook
3) Art materials (drawing pencils, eraser, color pencils, markers, etc...)
4) Drinking Water
5) Umbrella
6) $30 workshop Fee
7) Student Pass
8) School Tee (Class/PE/CCA/The Friday Tee, as long as there's school logo/name somewhere)
9) $$$ for lunch/transport

I'll be meeting you guys at 7:20am at Bedok Interchange. Seri/Anbaa, please let Jesmond know, i just realise i don't have his HP number.

Thanks and cya guys on Monday,
Ms Candy

Saturday, November 28, 2009

BCA Painting Competition 2009

Congratulations to Seri Hannah of 3E4 and Darrell Lim of 3E2 who were shortlisted as 2 of the 16 winning entries to have their works exhibited at City Square Mall from 10-13 Dec 2009.
The 16 prizes:
Gold Award - $500 cash voucher + trophy
Silver Award - $300 cash voucher (2 entries)
Bronze Award - $200 cash voucher (3 entries)
Merit Award - $100 cash voucher (10 entries)
Final Judging will be carried out on 10 Dec 1:30pm to 2:15pm at City Square Mall. All prize winners and student supporters, please be in your school uniform.
Well done and good luck!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TACTILE: An Art Exhibition

TACTILE: An Art Exhibition by students from Nanyang Junior College, Raffles Junior College, St Andrew’s Junior College, St Andrew’s Secondary School, Temasek Junior College and Victoria Junior College and curated by their teachers.
Do show your support by visiting the exhibition.
Check out the blog:

Friday, July 10, 2009

SIGG Bottle Design Competition 2009

Competition Details:

Design on surface of SIGG bottle, 0.6L (template can be downloaded from website)

Theme "Celebrate Nature"

Open to Participants from:
Japan, Australia, China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia

A. Kids & Junior: below 15 years of age
B. Open: no age limitation

Requirements: Measurements - 223.5 x 114.8 mm; Colors – 6 colors (white is 1 color)

Image pixel: JPEG, 600 pix X 308 pix, within 100KB

• Finalized lists are required to send hi resolution images;
• Please scan hand-drawn designs and set to the above image type

Submission: via website only

Deadline: 31 August 2009

Check out this website for templates and more details:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sec 2 holiday assignment

200 secondary 2 express students given 5 themes and 1 june holiday to create 2 pcs of artworks...
here are some of their masterpieces

"FOOD" Kwa Hui Yin 2E1

"Flora & Fauna" Nadhirah 2E2

"Technology" Dino 2E2

"Environment" Sharleen Teo Hui Ting 2E2

"Environment" Goh Cheng Yu 2E1

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sec 3 Exp June Holiday Assignment

17 students...
17 sketchbooks...
1 june holidays...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


final artwork!!!!

this is how we do it....

erm.... random pics

excellent color pencil rendering :)
Just another day in the art room...

Monday, June 29, 2009

10th Design Competition & Exhibition

4 dedicated art students who came back during holidays to take part in this competition.... had lots of fun and mcdonalds :) Preliminary judging : 2 Jul, interview of shortlisted finalists: 10 Jul, Exhibition and Award Presentation: 24 Jul. All the best!!!!! Seri, Anbaa, Tiff and Ain :)