
Saturday, November 28, 2009

BCA Painting Competition 2009

Congratulations to Seri Hannah of 3E4 and Darrell Lim of 3E2 who were shortlisted as 2 of the 16 winning entries to have their works exhibited at City Square Mall from 10-13 Dec 2009.
The 16 prizes:
Gold Award - $500 cash voucher + trophy
Silver Award - $300 cash voucher (2 entries)
Bronze Award - $200 cash voucher (3 entries)
Merit Award - $100 cash voucher (10 entries)
Final Judging will be carried out on 10 Dec 1:30pm to 2:15pm at City Square Mall. All prize winners and student supporters, please be in your school uniform.
Well done and good luck!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TACTILE: An Art Exhibition

TACTILE: An Art Exhibition by students from Nanyang Junior College, Raffles Junior College, St Andrew’s Junior College, St Andrew’s Secondary School, Temasek Junior College and Victoria Junior College and curated by their teachers.
Do show your support by visiting the exhibition.
Check out the blog: