
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Results of the BCA Painting Competition 2009

Congratulations to Seri Hannah for attaining Bronze Award and Darrell Lim for attaining Merit Award in the BCA Painting Competition. Here are the highlights of the day at the presentation ceremony in City Square Mall...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Architecture Workshop - Design My Place @ TJC

Anbaa, Seri, Jesmond, Belinda and Tiffanie who are attending this workshop, please bring ...
1) Digital Camera
2) Sketchbook
3) Art materials (drawing pencils, eraser, color pencils, markers, etc...)
4) Drinking Water
5) Umbrella
6) $30 workshop Fee
7) Student Pass
8) School Tee (Class/PE/CCA/The Friday Tee, as long as there's school logo/name somewhere)
9) $$$ for lunch/transport

I'll be meeting you guys at 7:20am at Bedok Interchange. Seri/Anbaa, please let Jesmond know, i just realise i don't have his HP number.

Thanks and cya guys on Monday,
Ms Candy