
Saturday, July 27, 2013

3A colored pencils gallery

Its amazing that the 3A kids managed to pick up the colored pencils rendering techniques so fast.
The amount of effort that they have put in this piece of work is just amazing.
A collation of their works below and some individual shots of 3 outstanding pieces.

Making windmil at Yuan Ching Sec

I had great fun with the black and white marker rendering art piece at yuan ching sec.
This time, an expeienced art teacher, Mr Goh whose expertise is in 3D art taught us how to make windmill.
Windmill? It sounds easy but actually its not!
My works below...

My learning journey to Yuan Ching Sec

I had the opportunity to learn from Mr Fedzel from Yuan Ching Sec as part of my professional development.
Their art room though without air con is very well organised and conducive to work.
Here are some snapshots of the room and some of their works.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

3A colored pencils rendering

We have covered the six basic colored pencils techniques this week.
Today, our 3A student artists learnt how to apply these techniques.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sec 3 art lesson term 3 week 2 - colored pencils rendering

Dear student artists,
we will be starting on colored pencils rendering next week.
I will be going through some commonly used colored pencils techniques with the 3E on Tuesday (9 July) and 3A on Thursday (11 July).
The handout that i have prepared and will be given out and examples of the techniques that i will be teaching (to be done on your journal).

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Visual studies of a binder clip

I may be away on professional development leave to equip myself with more knowledge but... wonderful lessons are still going on in the artroom... thanks to ms chua.

3A in action, making studies of a binder clio from different vuewpoints.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dear 3A and 3E student artists,
Here are the handouts for Term 3 Week 1 Art lesson on Monday (3E) and Wednesday (3A), do remember to file them inside your files.
Cheers, Ms Candy

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Renewing my artistic spirit

After close to 8 long years of teaching art, i realise that i have not been making much art these days.

Don't get me wrong.

I love art and i love teaching art but after a long day of colour pencils and paints, the last thing i want to do at home is more colour pencils and paints.

And so... i decided to reignite that crrative passion by trying out a new medium.

I bought a new book from my fav "art instructor", Lee Hammond and a box of crayola crayons... yes, crayons. It all boils down to my life long pursuit of using cheap art materials to create artist standard artworks.

So can i use crayons, often regarded as a child's art supplies to play around with, to re-create my realistic prisma colour pencils drawings? 


Art Theory & History lesson - ancient egyptian art

After the visit to ArtScience Museum on Tuesday, our 3A student artists had a group discussion on ancient egyptian art.

Photos from their presentation...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ArtScience Museum Part 1

We visited ArtScience Museum yesterday!


Friday, April 26, 2013

Sec 3 Mid Year Art Exam Examples

Courtesy of Hun Kuon Nil (4A2, 2012)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Visit to SAM - "weight of history" part 2

Images of the artworks from the "Weight Of History" show that we visited at SAM.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Visit to Singapore Art Museum pt. 1

We visited SAM today :D

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

3A Fragmentation

3A student artists trying out one of the development technique: Fragmentation.
With a drawing of ear and a hand holding a globe, they cut the images into horizontal and vertical strips and weave the 2 images together.
The result....

Thursday, April 11, 2013

3A-Prehistoric Art

We had a good discussion today after reading an article on Prehistoric Art and we summarised our understanding in the form of mind map.

Monday, April 1, 2013

3E photography lesson

Aperture... Shutter speed... ISO and depth of field...

Photography lesson by Ms Pang
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, March 24, 2013

3E copy painting assignment

Students were tasked with reproducing paintings from the Impressionism movement.

Outstanding works from Aun (3E2), Eugene (3E3), Jeremy (3E2) and Khairul Nizam (3E2).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad