
Friday, January 29, 2010

BiodiverCity Photo Competition

Dear students,
those who are interested in photography, NParks is organising a photography competition to celebrate the international year of Biodiversity.

Theme: Flora and Fauna in Singapore.
Pick up your cameras now!

Online submission of entries at:

Closing Date: 14 March Sunday 2010
Attractive prizes to be won....
please do let me know if you have participated for this competition so that i can submit LEAPS points for you.

Ms Candy

Thursday, January 28, 2010

3E1/3E2 art lesson today

3pm - 6pm every thursday, a group of 6 dedicated students stayed back in school to do Art as an extra subject.

dino and desmond not around today due to CCA, very quiet but we do miss the jokes and laughter :p

what's going on in class.... 3A2

during art lesson, we painted a wall in our classroom.

the theme is YOG.

here's how it looks like:

to be continued ...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

color pencils rendering ... our works

Hannah 3E1

Siti Nabilah 3E1

Cheryl Ong 3E4

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Colour Pencils Rendering Workshop

Our invited student artist from last year's cohort, Huishan, returned to impart her impressive color pencils rendering skills to the 3E. She not only attained a A1 in Art but also 5 distinctions for her 'O' Levels, congratulations!
She will be here again next week before she enrol in JC. All art students, especially this year 'O' level cohort, please treasure the opportunity to pick up colour pencils rendering skills from her after school.

3E4/3E5 in action - Speed Drawing class

Our modified version of the Speed Drawing exercise. Students given 10 minutes to draw the still life set-up in front. After every 10 minutes, they will move to another "sketchbook"to continue what the previous student have drawn. We had fun and also build up our confidence in drawing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Photoshop Tips & Tricks Workshop

There will be a Photoshop Workshop every Wednesday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.
Interested students, please bring along a digital camera and a thumb drive.
Venue: Computer Lab 1
See you there!
----------- Ms Candy --------------